This month is Action on Stroke Month, raising awareness of this type of illness and how you can take action to help a person having a stroke.
Although strokes tend to be sudden and unpredictable, we can still help those suffering by acting fast to get them help. However, the main barrier to this is the fact that many people either aren’t aware of the symptoms of a stroke or are unsure of the course of action they should take.
Here’s how to act fast in the face of a stroke:
The first thing to look out for is any changes in a person’s face. A common symptom is the paralysis of the face on one side. Does the person’s face look like it has fallen on one side? Ask the person if they can smile and you will be able to tell this straight away.
People having a stroke often lose the ability to control their movements, particularly in their limbs. One of the simplest tests you can do is ask the person to raise their arms above their heads and keep them there. If they cannot do this, the likelihood is that they are having a stroke.
Another basic function which people stroking cannot perform properly is speaking. Generally, speech is slurred and can even be incomprehensible. Of course there can be other reasons a person’s speech can become slurred, but assuming they are neither intoxicated or suffering from another medical condition which can cause this, then a stroke could be the cause.
Timing is crucial when it comes to acting on a stroke. If you spot any of the above symptoms in a person, the key thing is to call 999 right away. NHS 24 or a GP are not viable solutions in this instance – the person
If you know the signs, you can act fact to help someone in need. These tips could help you long after Action on Stroke Month is over. Despite being unpredictable in nature, there are also some things you can do to reduce your risk of a stroke. This includes things like monitoring your blood pressure and cholesterol, stopping smoking, regular exercise and having a healthy balanced diet. Other medical factors also come into play such as diabetes. For more information about measuring and managing your risk of having a stroke, please get in touch: