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In a world that’s becoming increasingly open to fix this silent crisis, many countries have started to observe their version of Mental Health Awareness Week, which is now becoming a permanent fixture on our calendars.

Stress is a critical social problem that can lead to suicides and mental health problems. In the UK, Scotland has one of the highest rates of suicides as well as that of violence, self-harm, premature mortality, and mental issues. Our practise Glasgow Medical Rooms is situated in Glasgow city centre and we have trained professionals who can help you with a variety of issues or worries

So What Are the Causes of Stress?

It has been found that men can be particularly affected by stress. This is partly due to the stressful situations and workplaces where they spend time, but more importantly because men are also less or willing to seek out help when dealing with stress, depression, or anxiety.

According to a study carried out by the Health and Safety Executive, the total number of cases involving work-related stress accounted for more than 44% of work-related health issues. Employers need to address the social conditions that lead to stress.

Build a Safe Space for Employees

Fostering good health at the workplace is the key to improving employees’ productivity along with playing a major role in their wellbeing. One of the ways in which employers can improve the mental health of their workforce is by establishing an open line of communication to let their staff know that they are open and available to talk about mental health issues. This might mean sending out an email that emphasises their commitment towards following procedures that are in place for staff members who might need treatment or consultation. We also offer a range of corporate healthcare services and our planned programme of corporate wellbeing to suit your company’s needs.

Create a Healthy Working Environment

Creating a workplace that’s healthy goes beyond maintaining squeaky clean workstations. Employers should refrain from praising late night sittings and employees who take on an unreasonable amount of workload. Maintaining a good work-life balance is critical towards the physical and mental wellbeing of a workforce that employers should be aware of.

Apart from that, encouraging the practice of meditation and mindfulness and having an active work-life balance can lead to positive behaviour and increased productivity, which is why it should be encouraged by employers.

Since one’s mental health is inseparable from his/her physical health, those who feel weighed down by stress need to get professional help to cope with what they are feeling.Others need to stop viewing mental health issues as a stigma and be more open to help those dealing with mental health issues.

The collective measures that are taken by a community can help in ushering in a new and positive attitude towards stress, depression, and other mental issues that can replace the longstanding and damaging silence.

If you would like to speak to a professional about any of the above issues, the process at Glasgow Medical Rooms is simple. All you have to do is get in touch with us and make an appointment to discuss your worries and needs. From there, you will be able to work with Yvonne in our city centre practice to create sessions which are conducive to you and your wellbeing.

For more information or to make an appointment please call 0141 225 0140 or email

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