£30 booking deposit – Non-refundable on bookings cancelled 24hours prior to appointment
Meningitis B Vaccination (MenB)
The Meningitis B Vaccination helps to protect against disease caused by meningococcal group B (MenB) bacteria. Meningococcal disease is a serious infection caused by the bacteria Neisseria meningitides that can cause meningitis and in some cases severe septicaemia. Meningococcal disease is a significant public health problem in some parts of the world. We offer the following advice to travellers.
• Meningococcal infection is transmitted through droplet/aerosol spread of nasal and throat secretions of infected individuals or asymptomatic carriers.
• Close/prolonged contact is required for transmission – e.g. kissing, sneezing/coughing, living in close quarters (such as a dormitory) or sharing eating and drinking utensils.
• Can be commensal of the upper respiratory tract.
Meningitis B Vaccination PRICE: Adult £140 Child £140

View full-size Meningococcal Meningitis map on WHO website. This map is reproduced with permission of and acknowledgement to WHO.
There is a worldwide distribution but the epidemiology of the 6 main serogroups (A, B, C, W-135, X, Y) varies geographically and over time:
The epidemic strains A and W-135 predominate in the meningitis belt of sub-Saharan Africa:
• recently outbreaks have extended out of traditional areas
• annual epidemics occur towards end of dry season
• incidence variable – 10-25 per 100,000 per annum, increasing up to a hundred fold every 5-10 years
• serogroups B and C predominate in industrialised countries – occur as sporadic cases/institutional outbreaks
o incidence 0.2-1 per 100,000 per annum
o globally highest incidence in children under 5 and older teenagers
Clinical Aspects
• Incubation – 2-10 days.
• Illness – rapidly progressive over hours/days.
• Convalescence – 20% may have permanent sequelae.
• Risk of severe illness.
• Invasive disease may lead to bacteraemia, meningitis or septicaemia.
• Meningococcal sepsis most severe form leading to rash, persistent shock, clotting issues and multiorgan failure.
• Untreated mortality rate of 70 – 90%
• Treated mortality rate ~ 10% in the industrialised world.
Signs and symptoms of Meningitis
Asymptomatic carriage is possible. Symptoms commonly include one or more of the following:
• Sudden onset of fever.
• Intense headache.
• Nausea/vomiting.
• Photophobia.
• Neck stiffness.
• Rash – petechial (doesn’t blanch on pressure) – characteristic of invasive meningococcal disease, seen in up to 80% cases.
• Microscopy/Culture of CSF demonstrating causative organisms gold standard of diagnosis in UK.
• Clinical diagnosis in many regions of the world.
This is a medical emergency – intravenous or intramuscular antibiotic therapy should be given as soon as the diagnosis is suspected:
• benzylpenicillin/cefotaxime administered pre-hospital
• I.M. chloramphenicol/ceftriaxone often used as a single dose during epidemics in Africa
• close contacts treated with prophylactic antibiotics (rifampicin/ciprofloxacin).
Advice to Travellers
Vaccination should be considered under the following circumstances and is dependent on the individual risk assessment:
• Travel to region with a current outbreak/ongoing epidemic where close, prolonged contact with local population anticipated particularly in overcrowded areas.
• Travel to a high endemic region for individuals with immunodeficiency including those with no spleen
• Travel to the Hajj and Umrah pilgrimage; Note that a certificate of vaccination is required for such pilgrims.
What happens when I get the Meningitis B Vaccination?
Different Meningitis vaccinations are available for different species of meningitis and different schedules also exist so the number of vaccinations required will also vary – please contact our experienced practice nurse at Glasgow Medical Rooms for further advice on the Meningitis B vaccination.
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£30 booking deposit – Non-refundable on bookings cancelled 24hours prior to appointment