Dr O’Donoghue is a GP and menopause specialist who has worked in the NHS for over 25 years. She graduated from Queens University Belfast in 1991 and worked in Belfast before moving to work in Australia. She returned to Glasgow to complete GP training and has been here ever since. She worked in the first dedicated menopause clinic in the UK, with Dr David Mackay Hart incorporating clinical work with menopause research. She is a member of the British menopause society, the British medical association and a member of the faculty of reproductive and sexual health.
£195 for first 45-minute consultation with a highly experienced GP
This does not include any additional services eg: bloods, prescriptions or referrals.
We have a menopause clinic at GMR every Tuesday.
This is run by Dr Fiona O’Donoghue who is a GP and menopause specialist with 25 years of experience.
An initial menopause consultation will last 45 minutes. We will ask you to fill in a medical history questionnaire online before your appointment and we will ask you to complete a symptom questionnaire on arrival.
This information will help us to provide you with an individualised treatment plan to address your own particular needs and will save time for more discussion at your visit.
We have a holistic approach to the management of menopause and perimenopause and we believe discussion regarding exercise and nutrition forms an integral part of any menopause treatment plan.
You can find more information on the menopause on Dr O’Donoghue’s Instagram site @menopausemedicglasgow.
Also, we are happy to take calls ON 0141 225 0140 if you wish to find out more about the clinic or are contemplating making an appointment but are unsure if your symptoms are menopausal or unsure if an appointment would be beneficial.