£30 booking deposit – Non-refundable on bookings cancelled 24hours prior to appointment
Flu Jabs and Vaccines
Get effective protection against the flu. Flu jabs and Flu Nasal Vaccinations for individuals and companies across Scotland and are available from Glasgow Medical Rooms. Flu season occurs from September to February each year, so it is worth considering flu vaccinations for you and your family to minimise illness and for your staff to help avoid any related absence.
The flu vaccination is available as an injection given in the muscle of the upper arm, or sometimes as a nasal spray, though this method is usually reserved for children.
The flu vaccination is given for free on the NHS and is available to the following groups of people:
• Those 65 years of age and over
• Children in certain age groups or with certain long-term medical conditions
• Pregnant women
• Those who have compromised immune systems or certain medical conditions like diabetes, heart disease and asthma
• Residents at long-term residential homes
• Carers or those who take care of an elderly or disabled person
However, if you do not fall into one of these groups and/or you do not want to wait until this is available at your NHS surgery, we can arrange to administer the vaccine quickly and at your convenience.
We are able to travel to companies to administer the flu vaccine. We don’t consider any company to be “too small” to vaccinate. We are happy to discuss these requirements further, including corporate rates for services.
PRICE: £25
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£30 booking deposit – Non-refundable on bookings cancelled 24hours prior to appointment